The VPRO is an independent media organization, tracing its public broadcast heritage all the way back to 1926. Through the decades it has continued to reinvent itself, thus remaining relevant to many different audiences within a constantly changing society.
The VPRO has built a global reputation for exploring issues that matter and building audiences in new and avant-garde ways. Across countries, the VPRO is widely recognized as a media pioneer. Our creative teams explore what’s happening at the edges of society, chase innovation and contribute to the public discourse.
Our audience can find us on a multitude of platforms: on the television or radio, in a weekly magazine, on websites, in apps, during live events... And we are always looking for new ways to stimulate meaningful conversation.
Global citizenship and creativity are core values at the VPRO. We encourage interest, engagement and participation by being involved in a broad range of cultural and scientific activities.
We have won numerous awards, including Emmy Awards, Prix Europa and many prizes at internationally renowned film festivals.