Once more with feeling 25 October 2017 'Drones kill people in wars, bad. Drones deliver burritos to your house, great.' Writer and journalist Maurits de Bruijn (32) gives us an insight in his daily life with technology.
Dear CEO Carmen van Vilsteren (TU/e) and Luis Rodil-Fernández (Gr1p) “What can we get from the body that we cannot get from explicit habits and behaviors that can be observed by means other than electrophysiology?” [LRF]
Dear CEO Geert-Jan Bogaerts (VPRO) and Tessel Renzenbrink (Gr1p) “Technology is not inherently good or bad or neutral. It is what we make it." [TR]
Dear CEO Tijmen Schep (Gr1p) and Sandor Gaastra (MinEZ) In a world where the pressure to be perfect is mounting I call privacy the right to be imperfect. [TS]
Dear CEO Harrie van de Vlag and Paulien van Slingerland (TNO) and Linnet Taylor (Gr1p) “The one fundamental rule about new technologies is that they are subject to function creep: they will be used for other purposes than their originators intended or even imagined.” [LT]