Australia - Uncanny Valley The Australian team came up with the remarkable idea of using a neural network and training it on audio samples of Australian animals including koalas, kookaburras and Tasmanian devils.
Belgium - Polaris This team consists of an experienced data scientist, a professional musician who played in bands and two physicists - one who also plays drums.
Germany - Dadabots x Portrait XO ‘Many of the lyrics are about infections and diseases, so we soon reached a point of no return.’
Germany - OVGneUrovision OVGneUrovision is a one-man team consisting of Richhiey Thomas, from Mumbai, India, living in Magdeburg, Germany.
Switzerland - New Piano 'Faced with the choice between making an accessible song with quite a few human interventions, or experimenting with as much AI as possible and then delivering a worse-sounding song, we chose the latter'.
The Netherlands - Can AI Kick It Team Can AI Kick It discovered that AI can have fairly subversive, anarchist and revolutionary tendencies.
United Kingdom - Brentry Their team name is an ironic nod to Brexit. The artists hope the UK and the EU will jam together again one day.