Country: Belgium
Song: Violent Delights Have Violent Ends
Team members: Nicolas Gelders, Tim Leers, Nicolas Morandi, Joris Schrauwen, Dorian Van den Heede and Frederik de Smedt
Beatroots on Spotify
Creating entire songs with one click.
Team Beatroots
as long as my mother likes it
What do you get when you let machine-learning engineers and music lovers work together in one office? An entry for the AI Song Contest, of course. Team Beatroots have found the ideal way to combine their work with their hobby, and are curious about how the music of the future will sound.
The team, from AI startup Dataroots, had been planning to start a band for some time. However, there was one problem: nobody could play the drums. The AI Song Contest allowed them to kill two birds with one stone by using their extensive knowledge of AI to form an ensemble.
‘For an ordinary software developer a golden opportunity to create music.’
With no experience in using AI to generate music, they set the bar high: from beginning to end, AI had to create as much as possible. Their only intervention was determining the structure of the song, the choice of instrument, and the genre. They realize that the outcome is not going to be a world hit: ‘We were hoping for a song that sounds reasonable, with some crazy notes here and there, but that our mothers would like.’
douze points
The group used the database at to create the melody and chords. Eurovision's dataset lacked drum parts, so they had these generated based on the melodies. They used a printout of Spotify playlists as the input to develop genres, and put the whole thing through a number of filters to produce a more natural sound. The lyrics are completely written by AI, and converted into vocals with Sinsy speech synthesis.
Using this method, each of the team members generated their own song. They presented the six results to their colleagues at Dataroots, who handed out their douze points using the Song Contest's voting system. Violent Delights Have Violent Ends emerged as the winner.
lyrics of 'Violent Delights Have Violent Ends'
When I'm lost
Lost in translation
I try to speak my mind
I hear your voice
And I start to sing
Words of love, of beauty and of gold
I fall down, I cry
When I'm lost in translation
I try to speak my mind
I hear your voice
and I start to sing
Words of love, of beauty and of gold
I fall down, I cry
I'm all alone
When I'm lost